If symptoms persist, consult your doctor. ASC Reference No.: P138P071321SS
Supports Optimum Blood Health
With proper diet and exercise

Multi-vitamins + Minerals

Helps prevent IDA/anemia during pregnancy, growth, convalescence and senility; megaloblastic and macrocytic hyperchromic anemia: alimentary anemia. As prophylaxis against anemia in blood donors. With proper diet and exercise.Learn More

Multivitamins + Iron + Calcium

Helps prevent iron and folate deficiency and moderate to severe iron deficiency anemia. With proper diet and exercise.Learn More

Iron + Folic acid

Helps in supplementation of iron and folic acid for anemia during growth period with proper diet.Learn More

Iron + Vitamin B Complex

For IDA in children, helps correct latent insufficiencies of iron and of the 8-vitamins (those contained in the product) during the growth period. For ID after loss of blood, in chronic illnesses and during convalescence with proper diet and exercise.Learn More
If symptoms persist, consult your doctor. ASC Reference No.: P170P062921SS